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Mentoring & Training

A programme to equip participants with the fundamental knowledge, skills and tools to perform as an effective Mentor and Trainer.


Format:             5 x 2 hour live virtual modules

Duration:         Modules run 2 weeks apart

Participants:   Up to 12


Week 1 - Introduction


  • Defining excellence in Mentoring & Training

  • Critical Success Factors

  • Mentoring & Training Stages

  • Responsibilities

  • Framework


Week 2 - Your Style


  • The 4 personality styles and their impact on relationships

  • Your own profile and how this helps and hinders your approach

  • Understanding how each of the 4 styles learns best

  • Adapting your style to meet the needs of others


Week 3 - Stages of Development


  • The 4 stages of competence

  • The optimal approach for each stage

  • How to assess others stage of development

  • Adapting your style to suit others level of competence

  • Assessing competence and confidence levels


Week 4 - The Toolkit Part One


  • Setting expectations and clear goals

  • Structuring a session

  • Identifying the root cause of performance issues

  • Addressing a performance issue


Week 5 - The Toolkit Part Two


  • Assessing levels and drivers of motivation in others

  • Increasing and influencing motivation

  • Giving effective feedback

  • Practicing a mentoring session


© 2020 the virtual way

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